Ubuntu: Some like it Blue - Your help needed
This is your chance to ensure that when Ubuntu Edgy Eft ships in October there is slick, modern, consistent blue theme installed automatically!
Note: If you just want to go straight ahead and start contributing to the Blubuntu theme then go here. We are currently wanting motifs, style ideas and designs that can be used for wallpapers, GDM and the splash screens, but any ideas are always welcome.
One of the new things happening in Ubuntu Edgy Eft is that the Ubuntu Artwork team is getting really organised, and coming up with some great ideas. Mark Shuttleworth blogged about it here
For the first time, we now have theme teams - groups of people whose job it is to make complete, polished themes for potential inclusion in Edgy.
One of those themes will be a slick, clean, blue toned theme called Blubuntu. We want everyone with ideas for this to submit them to us NOW. The current style uses Ubuntulooks in Blue as here, and the NuoveXT icons (By Saki) that you can see here. These are not too set, but what we are really looking for at the moment is motifs, styles and designs for Wallpapers, GDM screens and Splash Screens.
The great thing about this is that anyone can contribute their ideas - all you need to do is head over to the wiki page at
Please note the guidelines for submissions
Whether a theme makes it in will depend on how good is, and how much space is available on the CD - we can't do anything about the second, but we can make sure we have the best, most consistend and coolest blue theme Linux has seen!
Note: If you just want to go straight ahead and start contributing to the Blubuntu theme then go here. We are currently wanting motifs, style ideas and designs that can be used for wallpapers, GDM and the splash screens, but any ideas are always welcome.
One of the new things happening in Ubuntu Edgy Eft is that the Ubuntu Artwork team is getting really organised, and coming up with some great ideas. Mark Shuttleworth blogged about it here
For the first time, we now have theme teams - groups of people whose job it is to make complete, polished themes for potential inclusion in Edgy.
One of those themes will be a slick, clean, blue toned theme called Blubuntu. We want everyone with ideas for this to submit them to us NOW. The current style uses Ubuntulooks in Blue as here, and the NuoveXT icons (By Saki) that you can see here. These are not too set, but what we are really looking for at the moment is motifs, styles and designs for Wallpapers, GDM screens and Splash Screens.
The great thing about this is that anyone can contribute their ideas - all you need to do is head over to the wiki page at
Please note the guidelines for submissions
All submissions are to be made to a SUB PAGE of the main wiki page. Please try and keep one sub page for each element
Where possible add a screenshot of your submission.
Post the actual theme, xml, svg, xcf. so people can play with it and try out your ideas :)
Provide some way we can contact you (use the BlubuntuContributors) page (if you are in the art-team then your nickname will be fine)
Submissions must be under the CC-Share Alike license
Whether a theme makes it in will depend on how good is, and how much space is available on the CD - we can't do anything about the second, but we can make sure we have the best, most consistend and coolest blue theme Linux has seen!
I have compiled a montage about Blubuntu over at my blog. I hope that anyone might find it useful.
I'm not going to submit anything to the Ubuntu Artwork Wiki, because I did not make the themes. I only compiled a collection of what I like for my desktop, which I like to call Bluebuntu.
Brent, at 12:07 am
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